8 Ways to Restore Smoothness and Shine to Frizzy Hair
Frizzy hair is hard to love. It’s not sleek and silky, it’s not curly and adorable and it’s not wavy and sexy. It’s just…frizzy! With frizzy hair, you live in fear of rain, humidity or even perspiration, which can cause your hair to become even fuller and wilder! But there ARE solutions! The professionals at Matrix offer these tips on how to get your frizzy hair to look shiny, smooth and lustrous.
Frizzy Hair Smoothing 101: The Basics
Frizzy hair is hard to love. It’s not sleek and silky, it’s not curly and adorable and it’s not wavy and sexy. It’s just…frizzy! With frizzy hair, you live in fear of rain, humidity or even perspiration, which can cause your hair to become even fuller and wilder! But there ARE solutions! The professionals at Matrix offer these tips on how to get your frizzy hair to look shiny, smooth and lustrous.
Here are a few tips:
Do Things Differently to Find Out What Works Best
Experiment with your routine, and try doing things differently if your current routine isn’t adequately combating your frizzy hair. Do you shower in the morning? Try showering at night so that your hair isn’t still damp when you leave for the day.
After you get out of the shower, try applying a little more product to your frizzy locks than you normally do. Sample a variety of conditioners and anti-frizz styling products to see which items your hair best responds to.
Moisturize Your Hair
Remember that what your frizzy hair really wants is moisture. If you don’t give it the hydration it needs with moisturizing products and the proper care, your frizzy hair will get its moisture from somewhere else, like the humidity in the air. When this happens, you most likely won’t love the results. It’s also important to remember to use a hair mask once a week. Most hair mask formulas intensely nourish, revitalize and strengthen hair.
Try Long-Term or Short-Term Relaxers To Help Smooth Your Frizzy Hair
If you can’t live without your flat iron, and use it nearly every time you wash your hair, you might think about having a permanent hair-relaxing treatment. Short term smoothers are another option and can last as long as six months. These versatile smoothers offer a variety of options—sleek, straight hair to smooth hair with plenty of natural movement to enhanced, smooth curls with lots of shine. If you do opt for these treatments on your frizzy hair, however, be sure to keep your hair in prime condition by using plenty of nourishing masks, hot oil treatments and moisturizing products.
Hydrating With the Right Products Can Help Restore Frizzy Hair
What you put on your hair certainly matters. If you want to smooth frizzy hair, you’ll need to use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, followed by products specifically designed for this purpose. Purchase salon-grade products; those found in drug stores or supermarkets contain too much alcohol and will dry out your frizzy hair even more.
Select the best shampoo for your frizzy hair and don’t over wash
If buildup isn’t a problem, just use a gentle shampoo that contains organic moisturizers or oils or a cleansing conditioner. But don’t shampoo too often: Shampooing can strip hair of its natural oils, which are great frizz fighters. Lather up frizzy hair two (or three at the most) times per week.
Select the best conditioner to moisturize or nourish your frizzy hair
The right conditioner can be the best way to put moisture back into your frizzy mane. When conditioning, try both rinse-out conditioners and those that you leave in. For rinse-out conditioners, use them every time you shampoo your frizzy hair (unless it’s super fine), then wash them out after 2 to 5 minutes. For leave-in conditioners, just use a small amount and apply as directed.
A nourishing conditioner can also be used for touch-ups on frizzy hair throughout the day. Try watering down a little bit of your conditioner and then using your hands to apply it to just the tips of your hair. This can leave your frizzy locks smoother and shinier all day long.
To Brush or Not To Brush: How To Discipline Frizzy Hair
Hair is complex, made up of three layers and thousands of cells. The reason it gets frizzy is simple, however. Your hair’s outer layer, the cuticle, looks similar to a shingled roof. When hair is smooth, the many overlapping layers lie flat. But when you run a brush through it, those layers can lift.
To finish this list out, here are some thoughts about brushing frizzy hair and other tools you may use on frizzy hair:
Don’t Brush Frizzy Hair When It’s Dry
Because brushing disrupts the hair’s cuticle, it can also stretch the hair and cause breakage. A better idea is to towel-dry your frizzy hair after a shower and brush, comb or finger-comb it while it’s still wet. Then, add a small amount of moisturizing conditioner or your favorite anti-frizz product and don’t brush it any more. If you need to comb your hair, do so with wet fingers. Finger combing with wet fingers can help tame frizz and de-tangle.