1. Van der Bank M, Van Wyk B-E, Van der Bank H. Biochemical genetic variation in four wild populations of Aspalathus linearis (Rooibos tea). Biochem Syst Ecol 1995;23(3)257-262.
2. Dahlgren R. Revision of the genus Aspalathus II. The species with ericoid and pinoid leaflets. 7. Subgenus Nortieria, with remarks on Rooibos tea cultivation. Bot Notiser 1968;121, 165-208.
3. Dahlgren R. Aspalathus. In Flora of Southern Africa. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria. 1988;16(3, 6)1-430.
4. Rooibos Limited website: . (Rooibos Ltd. is the largest producer/distributor of Rooibos in South Africa. )
5. Red Bush Tea website: . Text discusses the tap root; also see photo of Rooibos seedling with tap root on this site.
6. Van Wyk B-E, Van Oudtshoorn B, Gericke N. Medicinal Plants of South Africa. Briza Publications, Pretoria, South Africa. 1998. 304 p. Online condensed version.
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9. Van Wyk, B-E. Presentation at the 28th Annual Conference of the South African Association of Botanists at Rhodes University, 2002.
10. WESGRO, Western Cape Investment and Trade Promotion Agency, Cape Town, South Africa, website: . Wesgro Background Report: The Rooibos Industry in the Western Cape. April 2000 (updated April 2001).
11. Renaud, E. Center for New Use Agriculture and Natural Plant Products, Rutgers University, New Jersey. Quality control program for ASNAPP (Agribusiness In Sustainable Natural African Plant Products, website: ). Personal communication. Dec 2002.
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18. Ferreira D, Marais C, Steenkamp JA, Joubert E. Rooibos tea as a likely health food supplement. In Proceeding of Recent Development of Technologies on Fundamental Foods for Health; Korean Society of Food, Science and Technology: Seoul, Korea 1995:73-88.
19. Bramati L, Minoggio M, Gardana C, Simonetti P, Mauri P, Pietta P. Quantitative characterization of flavanoid compounds in Rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) by LC-UV/DAD. J Agric Food Chem 2002;50(20):5513-9.
20. Joubert E. HPLC quantification of the dihydrochalcones, aspalathin and nothofagin in Rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) as affected by processing. Food Chem 1996;55(4):403-11.