Frizzy hair is hard to love. It’s not sleek and silky, it’s not curly and adorable and it’s not wavy and sexy. It’s just…frizzy! With frizzy hair, you live in fear of rain, humidity or even perspiration, which can cause your hair to become even fuller and wilder! But there ARE solutions! The professionals at […]
Women can lose their hair, but it is rare that a woman will go completely bald like some men will. That should be comforting but when you are the woman whose hair is thinning or falling out it doesn’t feel that way. Hair is important to a woman’s self confidence and we spend a lot […]
Nod or Negate, the growth and shine of our hair have a direct impetus on our inner strength and confidence. The more radiance they exude, the shinier our personality gets – a landmark to brilliant grooming. It is our ardent desire to sway beautiful, golden locks, which may trigger a sensation of envy and fascination […]